Sooho struggles to survive. The lonely teenager suffers through hunger and harsh weather while living in his rundown apartment. Abandoned by his parents, Sooho constantly...
Sooho struggles to survive. The lonely teenager suffers through hunger and harsh weather while living in his rundown apartment. Abandoned by his parents, Sooho constantly schemes ways to make a fast buck, but even his wealthy classmate Kyungmin refuses to lend a helping hand. His problems are about to become far worse. By chance, Sooho draws the attention of an eccentric and malevolent vampire. Night after night, the attacks grow worse until Sooho realizes that the strange creature intends to kidnap him and feed off his blood -- forever
Author: Seyoung Kim Publisher: NETCOMICS Published: 06/02/2015 Pages: 168 Binding Type: Paperback Weight: 0.40lbs Size: 7.10h x 5.00w x 0.50d ISBN: 9781600099748 Audience: Young Adult