A touching, humorous story of strong-willed eleven-year-old Liv, who is determined to challenge his school's terrible dress code and change his life. Inspire empathy and...
A touching, humorous story of strong-willed eleven-year-old Liv, who is determined to challenge his school's terrible dress code and change his life. Inspire empathy and compassion (and a few laughs!) in young readers with this stunning middle-grade novel.
My name is Liv (Not Olivia)... I'm not technically a girl. I'm transgender. Which is a bit like being a Transformer. Only not quite as cool because I probably won't get to save the world one day.
Liv knows he was always meant to be a boy, but with his new school's terrible dress code, he can't even wear pants. Only skirts.
Operation: Pants Project begins! The only way for Liv to get what he wants is to go after it himself. But to Liv, this isn't just a mission to change the policy--it's a mission to change his life. And that's a pretty big deal.
Perfect for parents, educators, and librarians looking for a book for young readers that:
Has a transgender main character with a humorous voice
Is a hopeful, sweet story with a happily-ever-after ending
Will prompt discussions on gender identity, bullying, self-esteem, empathy, acceptance, and social justice
A 2018 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People selection
Amelia Bloomer Project nominee
A 2020 Pacific Northwest Young Readers Choice Awards nominee
Author: Cat Clarke
Publisher: Sourcebooks Young Readers
Published: 10/01/2019
Pages: 272
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.60lbs
Size: 8.20h x 5.40w x 0.80d
ISBN: 9781728215525
Audience: Ages 9-12
About the AuthorClarke, Cat: - Cat Clarke is an award-winning author from the UK. She lives in Edinburgh. Visit her at catclarke.com.