A coming of age story set in Provincetown, Truro, and Dennis Cape Cod during the summer of 1979. Sixteen-year-old Danny Halligan is seeking to define...
A coming of age story set in Provincetown, Truro, and Dennis Cape Cod during the summer of 1979. Sixteen-year-old Danny Halligan is seeking to define his sexual identity, struggling to navigate his feeling toward 18-year old childhood friend Liam Preston. Their lives spiral out of control when they meet 21-year-old Gracie Rose, a charismatic photographer and Yale dropout with a vision of a flesh festival on film. Danny finds his mind unraveling as he is caught up in a torrent of drugs, sex and photography. Entire days are lost in drug fueled grappling and flesh wars in a massive tree fort known as the Palace of the Palpable Pines. Gracie's vision includes masking her subjects to maintain their anonymity. Liam becomes Lone Ranger while Danny's fur covered mask transforms him into Wolf-Boy. Danny is left mentally and physically ravaged as Gracie gains ever more fame for her ground-breaking photographs, known as Transfiguration Photos.
Author: David Fitzpatrick Publisher: Running Wild Press Published: 07/22/2024 Pages: 336 Binding Type: Paperback Weight: 0.86lbs Size: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.70d ISBN: 9781960018014
About the Author David Fitzpatrick was born in Dearborn, Michigan, grew up in Connecticut, graduated from Skidmore College, and earned his MFA degree from Fairfield University in 2011. His work has been published by The New Haven Review, Barely South Review, Fiction Weekly, and Running Wild Press. He lives in Middletown, Connecticut with his wife, Amy, a photographer, and their furry kids.