Camp Marmalade takes the freedoms of trance utterance--unfettered verbal association, explicit auto-ethnography, erotic bricolage--and applies a more stringent sense of time-as-emergency to this liberation-oriented poetic...
Camp Marmalade takes the freedoms of trance utterance--unfettered verbal association, explicit auto-ethnography, erotic bricolage--and applies a more stringent sense of time-as-emergency to this liberation-oriented poetic method. Part diary, part collage, part textbook for a new School of Impulse, Camp Marmalade assembles a perverse and giddy cultural archive, a Ferris wheel of aphorisms, depicting a queer body amidst a dizzying flow of sensations, dreams, and sex-and-death distillations--whether sugary, fruity, bitter, expired, or freshly jarred.
WAYNE KOESTENBAUM is a poet and cultural critic. His recent books include Notes on Glaze, The Pink Trance Notebooks, My 1980s & Other Essays, and Humiliation. He lives in New York City.