2037: The End of Tolerance
When gay becomes illegal: 2037 is a bold look at a future world gone mad, where men and women are jailed for being gay or simply for being different. Join Stephe Stafford as he becomes embroiled in the conflict and, while hoping to preserve his sanity, tries to fight back.
Set in the backdrop of San Francisco in the near future, learn what such a world void of tolerance would look like--and how easily we get there. See new technologies that quickly become indispensable. And relive the horrors of the people caught amid this harsh new reality.
Follow Stephe as he searches for love, eventually finds it... Will he lose it again?
Finally, with an ending that will take you by complete surprise, read about the fate of America as we move into a chilling new future. Can hope be found even here?
- Science Fiction
- 242
- Beekman Place Editions
- May 20, 2019
- 9781733025706