Camouflage by Gold, Kyell

Kyell Gold


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Danilo has found the trick to being not-straight at a Catholic University: just fade into the background. Until the day he can't anymore, and bullies...

Danilo has found the trick to being not-straight at a Catholic University: just fade into the background. Until the day he can't anymore, and bullies chase him to the river, where he falls in. When he emerges, the year is 1508 and he soon finds himself on the run from armed soldiers with two unlikely friends. As a white tiger in the sixteenth century, Danilo would be welcomed into the oppressive Church, but as a queer person, he could be imprisoned or burned at the stake.

Not a hard choice, until one of his friends lands in prison with a death sentence, and Danilo has to embark on a rescue more dangerous than anything he's faced in his life, past or present.

Kyell Gold has won twelve Ursa Major awards for his stories and novels, and his acclaimed novel Out of Position co-won the Rainbow Award for Best Gay Novel of 2009. His novel Green Fairy was nominated for inclusion in the ALA's Over the Rainbow list for 2012. He helped create RAWR, the first residential furry writing workshop, and has instructed at each of its sessions through 2017. He lives in California, loves to travel and dine out with his partners, and can be seen at furry conventions around the world. More information about him and his books is available at http: //

Erotic Fiction
Furplanet Productions
Publication Date
November 12, 2017